Before watches were wound by twisting the stem, a key (like this one) was fitted to a gear at the back of the watch to wind the piece. Since it was necessary to carry this key with the watch, these keys often took fanciful forms and were used as decorative fobs worn on watch chains alongside the watches. Now, we wear the lovely old watch keys as pendants.
This gorgeous little seal-style spinner fob watch key dates to the Regency era. The gold sheeted key has an elegant Neoclassical motif. It spins in a pretty frame; its kinetic quality makes the fob a wonderful fidget piece. The best part (in my opinion) is the bloodstone set in the key's base; it is carved in a scalloped shape like a many-rayed star. It will look fabulous worn on your favorite Ancient Influences married chain. Circa 1820.
Details.....This watch key measures .80" long and .38" wide. In Very Good Antique Condition. You should always expect some wear on vintage and antique jewels; we consider it a part of their charm.
Item #A1842